Sports Renewal of Colon
Sports Renewal of Colon.
Colon Province, Colon District, Republic of Panama.
Panamanian Sports Institute (PANDEPORTES).
Development of study, design and construction for Sport Renovation of Colon, which comprises:
- Baseball Stadium Roberto Mariano Bula: Located in Corregimiento de Barrio Sur, Distrito de Colón, Provincia de Colón, República de Panamá. It counts with a four floors building, which has capacity for 5.000 viewers and a total construction area of 9.938,37m2 (Enclosed area: 5.469,09m2 and open area: 4.514,28m2). Game field under Major League Baseball’s (MLB) specifications
- Children’s Softball and Baseball Stadium Jaime Vélez: Located in Crregimiento de Cristóbal, Distrito de Colón, Provincia de Colón, República de Panamá, it counts with a two floors building, which has capacity for 800 viewers and a total construction are of 1.600,81m2 (Enclosed area: 763,35m2 and open area: 837,56m2).
- New Grandstand for the Stadium Armando Dely Valdés: Valdés: Two floors construction with capacity for 800 viewers, total construction area: 995,20m2 (Enclosed area: 175.27m2 and open area: 779.93m2)
All facilities are developed with an outstanding architectonic design, with places for services, landscaping, ease for reduced mobility persons and a parking lot.